Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bacteria Growth

Bacterial organisms are the most in number and more widespread than any other organism. Hundreds thousands of bacterial species that live on land and sea also in extreme places.

Bacteria have a beneficial but there are also harmful. Bacteria have characteristics that distinguish it with another living organism. Bacteria are organisms unicellular and prokaryotic and generally do not have chlorophyll and micro size (microscopic).

The characteristics of bacteria
Bacteria have characteristics that different with another organism such as:
  1. Organisms multi-cellular
  2. Prokaryote (do not have the core of the cell membrane)
  3. Generally do not have chlorophyll
  4. Body size that varies between 0.12 up to hundreds of micron size generally have an average of 1 s / d 5 micron.
  5. Have varies form of body
  6. Free living or parasitic
  7. Who live in extreme environments such as hot water in the eyes, mouth or turf cells wall does not contain peptide
  8. The cosmopolitan life in different environments cell wall contains peptide.

Structure of Bacteria
Structure divided into two bacteria, namely:

  1. Basic structure (owned by nearly all types of bacteria), Include: cell wall, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, ribosome, DNA, and storage granular
  2. Additional structure (owned by a certain type of bacteria).

Includes capsule, flagellum, Piles, fibrin, chloroform, Vacuole gas and endosperm.

Bacteria Forms:
Basic form of the bacteria is made up of rounded form (cocus), rod (bacillus) and spiral (spirilia) and there is a form of cocus and basil called coco-bacillus.
Many forms of bacteria:


  • Monococcus, the form of single cell bacteria coccus
  • Diplococcus, the two bacterial cell unite
  • Tetracoccus, the four bacterial coccus cells unite to form quadrangular.
  • Sarkina the eight bacterial coccus cells unite to form cubes
  • Streptococcus of more than four coccus cells unite to form chains.
  • Stapilokokus of more than four coccus bacterial cells unite such as grape

Bacillus Bacteria:

  • Mono bacillus, the form of single cell bacteria bacillus
  • Diplobacillus the form of two-cell bacteria bacillus unite
  • Streptobacillus that some bacteria cells unite establish germ like chain

Spirally Bacteria:

  • The form of a spiral-wave cell
  • Spirochete the form of cells, such as the screw
  • Vibrato cells that form of punctuation such as commas



Anonymous Anonymous said...

examples please....

May 6, 2012 at 3:56 AM  

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